The energy transition and the “not in my backyard” phenomenon
Follow-up on workshop "The energy transition and the 'not in my backyard' phenomenon" Cipra Austria and the Alpine Climate Board organised a workshop on "The energy transition and the 'not in my backyard' [...]
Working across borders, across functions, across sectors
Some insights in the current work of the Alpine Climate Board (ACB). The Alpine Climate Board has a clear vision and target system in view: until 2050, we want to support the Alpine [...]
Joining forces for Nature based Solutions in Vienna
The Alpine Climate Board (ACB) met on 16/17 May 2023 for the 17th meeting in Vienna. Nature based solutions (Nbs), Energy and lifestyles - these are the cross-sectoral topics for the ACB in [...]
A very Merry Christmas and happy reading!
We wish you a splendid Christmas time and some minutes to read through our follow-up! Christmas is coming very soon and we finalize this work year with a follow-up of our last webinar [...]
Closing the gap on climate action. New booklet on climate-neutral & resilient lifestyles.
Building new rope teams to support climate-neutral & resilient living in the Alps We are delighted to announce our newest publication "Closing the gap on climate action. Building new rope teams to support [...]
Caretakers for Ecosystems and Biodiversity: “Biodiversity is under a lot of anthropic pressure including climate change, but it can also be part of the solution to mitigation and adaptation”
Caretakers for Ecosystems and Biodiversity: “Biodiversity is under a lot of anthropic pressure including climate change, but it can also be part of the solution to mitigation and adaptation” The Alpine Climate Board [...]