Building new rope teams to support climate-neutral & resilient living in the Alps

We are delighted to announce our newest publication “Closing the gap on climate action. Building new rope teams to support climate-neutral & resilient living in the Alps”. This booklet is an invitation! Are you a mayor, a local or regional politician, working in public administration, are you a NGO volunteer or worker, a teacher or consultant? This booklet is an invitation to all of you, to federations and unions to help the Alpine Climate Board (ACB) bring its Alpine-wide vision for climate-neutral and climate-resilient Alps to life.

We provide some inspiration for you as multiplier on climate action:

  • Food-for-thought on the difficulties to move from knowledge to action and how this applies in the Alps.
  • Examples of ongoing projects show how unconventional rope teams have already launched inclusive and motivating actions.
  • A check-list for first steps shows how you and your organisation can get involved and how you can support the ACB in implementing
    its vision of climate-neutral and climate-resilient Alps by 2050.

The Alpine Climate Target System 2050 and its Action Plan have been  jointly developed by all Alpine countries and they offer a coherent approach across borders to develop the Alps into a model region on climate action. To grow and make a difference, it however needs companions, facilitators and supporters at all levels to accelerate action. Beside the group of sectoral “caretakers” that has been established by the ACB to facilitate the implementation of the activities of the Climate Action Plan, we want to motivate new members for our “rope teams”. The main aim: bringing the actions down to earth and motivating Alpine citizens.

The Alpine Climate Board invites you to contribute with your personal know-how and your networks to open the doors to new target groups.

Get in touch with us by using our Community Platform and stay tuned for further news and events!

Our next step: We are organizing a webinar on the topic of “Climate action and the quality of life: How to create win-win solutions”, scheduled for 15 December 2022, 15.30 (zoom)! More information will be available soon.

You can download the booklet here (also available in French, German, Italian, Slovenian).

Print copies are available upon request from the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention.