A large knowledge pool for implementing the “Renewable Alps” vision is already existing: insights are available and many interesting pilot and demonstration projects are taking place in the Alps. However, a bundling of activities is still necessary to overcome the implementation gap and to bring together the specific needs and experiences of implementation partners in the Alps.
Especially regarding the take-up of low-carbon lifestyles & business models and the realization of an Alpine energy democracy, more needs to be done to improve awareness and acceptance and to incentivize pilot activities.
Network of regional energy coordinators
This pathway foresees the set-up of a network of regional energy coordinators, to improve capacity and knowhow on the energy transition in the Alps and to support specific implementation measures. All regional energy coordinators have the mandate to develop innovative pilot actions, considering mitigation & adaptation challenges.
Enable energy democracy in the Alps
With the energy transition, citizens get an opportunity to invest into small-scale energy-solutions and thus to shape the energy transition. This pathway identifies Alpine-specific needs to develop & demonstrate innovative financial participation formats and promotes an Alpine-wide platform for marketing investment options in the Alps.
Support low-carbon Alpine lifestyle & business models
Changing lifestyles and business models in the Alps brings along specific challenges which are tackled in this pathway: a toolbox for Alpine households and SMEs is developed to recognize their climate impact and to identify options for individual action. Testing and demonstration activities will increase awareness and acceptance.
Alpine administrations as forerunners
Administrations have a great potential to serve as forerunner to showcase actions to improve energy-efficiency and to install RES in small-scale public settings. This pathway thus foresees minimum requirements & pilot actions for Alpine administrations to reduce CO2-emissions on their premises and to adapt their building stock to climate change impacts.
A large knowledge pool for implementing the “Renewable Alps” vision is already existing: insights are available and many interesting pilot and demonstration projects are taking place in the Alps. However, a bundling of activities is still necessary to overcome the implementation gap and to bring together the specific needs and experiences of implementation partners in the Alps.
Especially regarding the take-up of low-carbon lifestyles & business models and the realization of an Alpine energy democracy, more needs to be done to improve awareness and acceptance and to incentivize pilot activities.
Network of regional energy coordinators
This pathway foresees the set-up of a network of regional energy coordinators, to improve capacity and knowhow on the energy transition in the Alps and to support specific implementation measures. All regional energy coordinators have the mandate to develop innovative pilot actions, considering mitigation & adaptation challenges.
Enable energy democracy in the Alps
With the energy transition, citizens get an opportunity to invest into small-scale energy-solutions and thus to shape the energy transition. This pathway identifies Alpine-specific needs to develop & demonstrate innovative financial participation formats and promotes an Alpine-wide platform for marketing investment options in the Alps.
Support low-carbon Alpine lifestyle & business models
Changing lifestyles and business models in the Alps brings along specific challenges which are tackled in this pathway: a toolbox for Alpine households and SMEs is developed to recognize their climate impact and to identify options for individual action. Testing and demonstration activities will increase awareness and acceptance.
Alpine administrations as forerunners
Administrations have a great potential to serve as forerunner to showcase actions to improve energy-efficiency and to install RES in small-scale public settings. This pathway thus foresees minimum requirements & pilot actions for Alpine administrations to reduce CO2-emissions on their premises and to adapt their building stock to climate change impacts.