Website Launch Party
Alpine Climate Board of the Alpine Convention & ALPACA

Website Launch Party on 2 September 2020, 20.00-21.00, online (Zoom)
Let’s team up for Climate Action in the Alps!Website Launch Party ahead of the Matchmaking Workshop. An event of the Alpine Climate Board (ACB) Dear colleagues, dear Alpine stakeholders, dear climate action implementers, We kindly invite you to our Website Launch Party, scheduled for Wednesday, 2 September 2020, 20.00-21.00, aiming at celebrating with you the release of our new website www.alpineclimate2050.org and bridging the time until our Matchmaking Workshop (15/16 September, lunch to lunch, registrations here). Please use the following link to join our Website Launch Party: https://zoom.us/j/91892234256We offer:
- a guided tour on our new website
- a small creativity contest on your thoughts and visions on climate-neutral and climate-resilient Alps
- initial informal exchanges ahead of our Matchmaking Workshop (without registration or dress code)
- facilities to increase knowledge on the implementation pathways
About the contest: As you know, the Alpine Climate Target System 2050 has started from the question “How do we imagine climate-neutral and climate-resilient Alps in the specific fields of action of the Alpine Convention”. Let’s start from the targets and try to illustrate them in a creative way. Here is your task:
- Pick your favourite target from the Alpine Climate Target System 2050 (they are all included on www.alpineclimate2050.org).
- Take some minutes and visualize your favourite target in a creative way, give it a “sound-track”, tell a short story around the target – whatever comes to your mind.
- Send us your results (and the name of the target that you refer to) in an easy way: screenshot, picture from your mobile phone, voice message, whatever you feel is easiest (to info@alpineclimate2050.org).
- Ideas could include: a picture, which you have taken during a vacation in the Alps, a small drawing, a small cartoon, a song, a poetry slam contribution … We attached two contributions, which might stimulate your creativity and competition spirit. (Example 1 / Example 2)
Please send us your ideas until 2 September, 12.00. We will then put them together for the Website Launch Party.
We are looking forward to meeting you ahead of the Matchmaking Workshop and to celebrating with you! The Matchmaking-Team of the ACB