Webinar “Thoughts on a Spatial Climate Plan for Alpine Cities”

Webinar “Thoughts on a Spatial Climate Plan for Alpine Cities”

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The Alpine Climate Board (ACB) of the Alpine Convention is pleased to invite you to a webinar in which Theresa Janesch (Master in Spatial Planning, Technical University of Vienna; currently working at RPK-ZT in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, AT), a spatial planner specialising in the cross-cutting issues of climate change and spatial development, will take the floor. Together with her supervisor Sibylla Zech, Head of Research Unit of Regional Planning and Regional Development at the Technical University of Vienna, Theresa Janesch will give us insights into her master’s thesis, entitled “Help, the Alps are Glowing! Thoughts on a Spatial Climate Plan for the City of Lienz”.

The aim of the thesis was to develop the first draft of a spatial climate plan using the city of Lienz (AT) as a case study. In this context, a spatial climate plan is understood as planning that leads to integrated measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change as well as spatial structures that enable climate-friendly behaviour. This first draft is intended to serve as a starting point for a discussion on supplementing spatial planning instruments.

Central ideas from the thesis:

  • Due to the expected effects of climate change, a transformation of spatial structures in the Alpine region – including those in Alpine towns – is urgently needed.
  • Forward-looking urban planning can make a crucial contribution to this transformation.
  • Although climate plans for Alpine towns already exist, there is often a lack of integrated measures with a spatial reference and a lack of localisation of these measures.
  • A transformation towards a climate-friendly urban structure can only be initiated if the spatial measures are specifically localised on a plan.

The most important outcome of the spatial climate plan is the mapping of spatial structures and measures that can not only support climate-friendly behaviour but are also effective in climate mitigation and adaptation. The vision uses maps to show what a climate-friendly spatial structure for the city of Lienz could look like. The ideas are illustrated with visualisations and a selection of 60 specific measures. In addition, the effect of the localised measures is reflected in a comparison of selected spatial structures of the city of Lienz in the current and planned state.

Take a look at the master’s thesis and download it here (in german language)

Programme of the webinar

  • Introduction, welcome and brief information on the Alpine Convention and the Alpine Climate Board
  • Presentation of the master thesis “Help, the Alps are Glowing! Thoughts on a Spatial Climate Plan for the City of Lienz” by Theresa Janesch
  • Trialogue with Theresa Janesch, Sibylla Zech and Katharina Zwettler
  • Questions from the plenum


In the Climate Action Plan 2.0, the ACB emphasised the need for an Alpine-wide concept “Spatial planning for climate action” to ensure a climate proof framework for spatial planning as one focus area for further climate action across the Alps. With this webinar we want to highlight an example of concrete work that has been done on this idea. After a short presentation of the master’s thesis, we will ask specific questions and discuss the work in a trialogue format. 


The workshop will be held in English.

Registration and link

The webinar is free of charge. Please register here by Friday, 22 November 2024. Due to the EU General Data Protection Regulation, registration is only possible using this form. You will receive the Zoom link prior to the webinar.

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Due to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), registration is only possible using the form. Audio or video recordings of the event and/or parts of it are prohibited for copyright reasons.


Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Katharina Zwettler from the Austrian Ministry for Climate Action (katharina.zwettler@bmk.gv.at) if you have any questions.

Representatives of all sectors of activity in the Alps and from local to national and cross-border level are invited to participate. Please share this invitation with your respective networks. Thank you!

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

2024-11-25 @ 09:00 to
2024-11-25 @ 10:30

Registration End Date



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