Webinar on Financing Opportunities

Webinar on Financing Opportunities

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Alpine Climate Board of the Alpine Convention & ALPACA

Online Webinar on 26 January 2021, 15.00-17.00

Webinar on financial options for the implementation of climate activities in the Alps

(An event of the Alpine Climate Board) Are you willing to contribute to the climate-neutral and climate-resilient Alps vision? The ACB developed this webinar in order to provide information on financial options for climate activities in the Alps, giving an overview over existing funding options and innovative funding formats and providing a platform for regular exchanges. The webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, 26 January 2021, 15.00-17.00, online: https://alpconv.my.webex.com/alpconv.my/j.php?MTID=m4eee14546245b6d33c31902810ddb802Programme:

  • Welcome and introduction Helmut Hojesky, Chair of the Alpine Climate Board, Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action
  • Overview of funding opportunities of the EU Andrea Bianchini, DG Environment of the European Commission
  • Cornerstones of the new Alpine Space Programme Primož Skrt, Joint secretariat of the Alpine Space Programme
  • Innovative formats for financing climate activities Sebastian Hartmann, Centre for Energy and Environment Allgäu, talking about the Klimafonds Allgäu Jan Gartner, Raumpioniere, talking about Crowd Funding options, their strengths and weaknesses Helen Lückge, Climonomics, talking about concepts of regional cooperatives and social innovation
  • Your ideas for funding steps and pathways of the Alpine Climate Board Interactive session
  • Wrap up and Outlook

Logistical information:

  • Registration and privacy policy The conference is free of charge. Please register until Monday, 25 January 2021, 18.00, here. Due to the Data Protection Ordinance (GDPR), registration is only possible by using this form. Individual inputs are recorded by the organisers with the consent of those responsible. Recording of audio or video of the event and/or parts of it is prohibited for copyright reasons.
  • Language The Webinar will be held in English.
  • Further information about the implementation community Join the Community of the Alpine Climate Board https://alpineclimate2050.org/community/
  • Contact Katharina Zwettler, Austrian Ministry for Climate Action: katharina.zwettler@bmk.gv.at

You´ll find more information about the Alpine Climate Board, our aims and the implementation pathways by exploring this website or visiting the website of the Alpine Convention.   In case of questions, please get in touch with Katharina Zwettler from the Austrian Ministry for Climate Action (katharina.zwettler@bmk.gv.at).  

We are looking forward to meeting you! The team of the Alpine Climate Board

To register for this event please visit the following URL:


Date And Time

2021-01-26 @ 15:00 to
2021-01-26 @ 17:00


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