Surface water systems and groundwater aquifers in the Alps dealing with new challenges due to climate change are highly interlinked across borders.
As existing national river basin management plans often lack a transboundary perspective, our implementation pathways focus on the set-up of an Alpine-wide framework for climate-proofing water management systems and a coordinated approach to deal with new challenges such as drought management throughout the Alps.
Mainstreaming climate change into transboundary water management
Climate change will put additional pressures on Alpine water resources, also on regional scale. This pathway therefore foresees the implementation of transboundary model projects in “hot spot” regions regarding water conflicts to promote a transboundary focus in mainstreaming climate change into water management.
Tools and methods for drought management in the Alps
In order to support transnational approaches dealing with threats from droughts and thus to drinking water, this pathway focuses on mapping drought “hot spots” under different climate scenarios and the implementation of early warning systems for water scarcity.
Surface water systems and groundwater aquifers in the Alps dealing with new challenges due to climate change are highly interlinked across borders.
As existing national river basin management plans often lack a transboundary perspective, our implementation pathways focus on the set-up of an Alpine-wide framework for climate-proofing water management systems and a coordinated approach to deal with new challenges such as drought management throughout the Alps.
Mainstreaming climate change into transboundary water management
Climate change will put additional pressures on Alpine water resources, also on regional scale. This pathway therefore foresees the implementation of transboundary model projects in “hot spot” regions regarding water conflicts to promote a transboundary focus in mainstreaming climate change into water management.
Tools and methods for drought management in the Alps
In order to support transnational approaches dealing with threats from droughts and thus to drinking water, this pathway focuses on mapping drought “hot spots” under different climate scenarios and the implementation of early warning systems for water scarcity.