To support the transformation of tourism in the Alps, the ACB implementation pathways propose the development of a common tourism vision as starting point, including a coordination of strategic approaches towards development of climate-neutral and climate-resilient tourism offers as well as an agreement on common climate targets.
The coordination process will include a discussion on the alignment of financing streams/financial measures to work towards on optimized financial framework for climate-neutral and climate-resilient tourism in the Alps. On this basis, the pathways propose capacity building activities as well as pilot activities on climate-neutral tourism packages.
Coordinated vision for climate-neutral & climate-resilient Alpine tourism
This pathway foresees the set-up of an Alpine strategy on coordinated climate-neutral and climate- resilient tourism, including an alignment of financing streams. This strategy builds on an analysis of success factors and indicators for climate-friendly & climate-resilient Alpine tourism and on targeted research to fill data & knowledge gaps on climate change impacts on Alpine tourism.
Coaching & capacity building for climate-proofing Alpine tourism
In line with the coordinated vision, this pathway implements several forms of support, coaching and capacity building methods to ensure that the vision (pathway 1) is fully implemented by all stakeholders involved in the tourism sector. It foresees the set-up of a network of “Climate caretakers for Alpine tourism” in each tourism destination as well as specific manuals and tools to support mitigation and adaptation activities as well as diversification strategies.
Tourism packages for climate-neutral tourism
Based on a synthesis of existing approaches for climate-neutral holiday packages, this pathway foresees recommendations and then comprehensive demonstration activities on climate-neutral tourism packages in the Alps. This shall include a common framework for their promotion as well as a common reporting method.
To support the transformation of tourism in the Alps, the ACB implementation pathways propose the development of a common tourism vision as starting point, including a coordination of strategic approaches towards development of climate-neutral and climate-resilient tourism offers as well as an agreement on common climate targets.
The coordination process will include a discussion on the alignment of financing streams/financial measures to work towards on optimized financial framework for climate-neutral and climate-resilient tourism in the Alps. On this basis, the pathways propose capacity building activities as well as pilot activities on climate-neutral tourism packages.
Coordinated vision for climate-neutral & climate-resilient Alpine tourism
This pathway foresees the set-up of an Alpine strategy on coordinated climate-neutral and climate- resilient tourism, including an alignment of financing streams. This strategy builds on an analysis of success factors and indicators for climate-friendly & climate-resilient Alpine tourism and on targeted research to fill data & knowledge gaps on climate change impacts on Alpine tourism.
Coaching & capacity building for climate-proofing Alpine tourism
In line with the coordinated vision, this pathway implements several forms of support, coaching and capacity building methods to ensure that the vision (pathway 1) is fully implemented by all stakeholders involved in the tourism sector. It foresees the set-up of a network of “Climate caretakers for Alpine tourism” in each tourism destination as well as specific manuals and tools to support mitigation and adaptation activities as well as diversification strategies.
Tourism packages for climate-neutral tourism
Based on a synthesis of existing approaches for climate-neutral holiday packages, this pathway foresees recommendations and then comprehensive demonstration activities on climate-neutral tourism packages in the Alps. This shall include a common framework for their promotion as well as a common reporting method.