Supporting low-carbon/low-energy Alpine lifestyle and business model

Basic information:

Changing lifestyles and business models towards climate-neutrality brings along specific challenges in the Alps: longer travel distances, lower population densities with specific building structures, supply of regional products, etc.

The transition towards climate-neutral and climate-resilient Alps will require a change in behavioural patterns, lifestyles and business models, especially to support energy savings. To create an impact, all stakeholders and the civil society need to support the energy transition – but they are, in many cases, still unaware of the need for action or reluctant to change.

Awareness raising campaigns and tools as well as a stronger involvement of the civil society in decision making processes, focusing on the specific challenges of the energy transition in the Alps, will create a broader awareness on the need for action and can trigger specific activities at private level.

Sequence of implementation steps:

Existing tools and online platforms, are brought together into a compilation of Alpine toolboxes for low-energy lifestyles and business models. It could include:

  • Online calculator for Alpine carbon footprint
  • Calculator for product footprints, including comparison between Alpine and non-Alpine products
  • Tools for energy auditing schemes at regional level (e.g., based on results of the CEASEAR project (ARPAF))

Toolbox for measures

In each Alpine country, 3-5 pilot regions/municipalities are identified to test the acceptance and impacts of support measures focusing on behavioural change and low-carbon/low-energy business models (e.g., based on the experiences of the 100max project)

Further Information:

  • Local and regional administrations as well as SMEs for implementing pilot actions as well as for assessing needs for climate governance
  • Compilation of toolboxes for Alpine households and SMEs to recognize their climate impact and to identify options for individual action.
  • Identification of 3-5 pilot regions/municipalities in each Alpine country which will test the toolbox.
  • Number of specific tools implemented in the toolbox
  • Number of pilot projects implemented
  • Citizens: 100max project (stock-taking No. 50)
  • All projects implemented by the Alpine mountaineering clubs (stock-taking No. 61-64)
  • SMEs: EUSALP AG9: Enhance Energy Efficiency in Alpine Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, incl. CAESAR project




Considering the sensitive Alpine environment and potential conflicts, a smart coordinated approach to steer the development of renewable energy systems is necessary in the Alps. Also, the development of energy-efficiency solutions needs to be tailor-made in the Alps, e.g. to meet the specific needs in areas with low-population density. To realize ambitious energy savings, the transition towards climate-neutral Alps will also require a change in behavioural patterns, lifestyles and business models which have specific patterns in the Alps that require customized approaches.