Climate change is occurring at a faster pace in the Alps than elsewhere: Since the late 19th century temperatures have risen by almost 2°C, a rate about twice as large as the northern hemisphere average. The impacts of climate change vary across the Alps, but they do not stop at administrative borders: alpine-wide and cross-sectoral collaboration in mitigation and adaptation is required. The Alpine Climate Board is committed to climate action in the Alps!
In 2016, the XIV Alpine Conference established the Alpine Climate Board (ACB). Its purpose is to bring under one roof all relevant climate change activities carried out in the framework of the Alpine Convention.
More specifically, the ACB set out to elaborate a concrete system of objectives of the Alpine Convention with the goal of reaching “climate-neutral and climate-resilient Alps” by 2050, named as the Alpine Climate Target System 2050. The stock-taking report served as a basis for defining future activities of the Alpine Climate Board. During its 2019-2020 mandate, the Alpine Climate Board focussed on the development of an updated Climate Action Plan, which was adopted at the XVI Alpine Conference in December 2020 and on the facilitation of the operationalization of the Alpine Climate Target System 2050.
During its 2021-2022 mandate, through a range of exchange, promotion and monitoring activities, the Alpine Climate Board is supporting the establishment of a strong Alpine community to take on the implementation pathways. It is also furthering the cooperation on climate change issues between the Contracting Parties, Observers, Thematic Working Bodies as well as with relevant international organisations, other mountain regions and further partners.
This website serves as an information platform and as a tool for all people interested in the works of the Alpine Climate Board, to get involved and contribute to the implementation of the Climate Action Plan 2.0 and the Alpine Climate Target System 2050. The ACB invites you to take a look at our common challenges and targets as well as the 30 implementation pathways that have been developed in a participative process during the last years. You´ll find all this information for ten different sectors – from spatial planning to transport, energy, tourism, soil, mountain agriculture, mountain forests, ecosystems and biodiversity, water and natural hazards.
Get informed and get in touch with other stakeholders on the community-platform and get inspired by the best practices. We are looking forward to working together with you for climate-neutral and climate-resilient Alps 2050.
The Alpine Convention is committed to fighting against climate change and for furthering climate adaptation in the Alps: In 2006, the Contracting Parties to the Alpine Convention adopted a Declaration on Climate Change to reinforce their cooperation. In 2009, an Action Plan on Climate Change in the Alps followed, including specific measures and best practice examples. Since 2011, taking action on climate change has also been one of the priorities set in the Multi-Annual Work Programme of the Alpine Conference. Since 2016, climate-related works of the Alpine Convention are bundled under the roof of the Alpine Climate Board.

Slovenia’s priorities for the current Presidency are three: we are working on quality of life, environmental education with the focus on climate change and on biodiversity. In environmental education we intend to highlight the inclusion of climate change in formal education, with an emphasis on experiential learning in nature. Education is one of our key topics because it should support transformative learning which is most needed in the time of extensive climate change. We are looking forward to working very close with the Alpine Climate Board, gaining synergies and joining forces for climate neutral and resilient Alps 2050.

“We, the Alpine Climate Board, work towards climate-neutral and climate-resilient Alps. The adoption of the Alpine Climate Target System 2050 during the Alpine Conference in April 2019 was step 1, the development of implementation pathways is step 2 and the implementation is step 3. With this website, we aim at creating a great community of implementers, we want you to make use of the big knowledge that we collected in participative processes and we want to join forces – because it is not us alone, who seek for this transformation process.”

“Climate change requires immediate action in near to all sectors of activity. Thanks to the work of the Alpine Climate Board and this platform, people and organisations all over the Alps can focus on the same goals, join forces and make progress together.”

“Building strong and effective partnerships will be key to ambitious climate action, especially in the Alps with its specific challenges and characteristics. This interactive website offers a great tool for bringing together existing initiatives and for gaining additional support – we are happy to pick-up promising approaches during the upcoming Swiss Presidency of the Alpine Convention.”
Climate change is occurring at a faster pace in the Alps than elsewhere: Since the late 19th century temperatures have risen by almost 2°C, a rate about twice as large as the northern hemisphere average. The impacts of climate change vary across the Alps, but they do not stop at administrative borders: alpine-wide and cross-sectoral collaboration in mitigation and adaptation is required. The Alpine Climate Board is committed to climate action in the Alps!
In 2016, the XIV Alpine Conference established the Alpine Climate Board (ACB). Its purpose is to bring under one roof all relevant climate change activities carried out in the framework of the Alpine Convention.
More specifically, the ACB set out to elaborate a concrete system of objectives of the Alpine Convention with the goal of reaching “climate-neutral and climate-resilient Alps” by 2050, named as the Alpine Climate Target System 2050. The stock-taking report served as a basis for defining future activities of the Alpine Climate Board. During its 2019-2021 mandate, the Alpine Climate Board focusses on the development of an updated Climate Action Plan to be adopted at the XVI Alpine Conference in Nice and on the facilitation of the operationalization of the Alpine Climate Target System 2050.
This website serves as an information platform and as a tool for all people interested in the works of the Alpine Climate Board, to get involved and contribute to the implementation of the Climate Action Plan 2.0 and the Alpine Climate Target System 2050. The ACB invites you to take a look at our common challenges and targets as well as the 30 implementation pathways that have been developed in a participative process during the last years. You´ll find all this information for ten different sectors – from spatial planning to transport, energy, tourism, soil, mountain agriculture, mountain forests, ecosystems and biodiversity, water and natural hazards.
Get informed and get in touch with other stakeholders on the community-platform and get inspired by the best practices. We are looking forward to working together with you for climate-neutral and climate-resilient Alps 2050.
The Alpine Convention is committed to fighting against climate change and for furthering climate adaptation in the Alps: In 2006, the Contracting Parties to the Alpine Convention adopted a Declaration on Climate Change to reinforce their cooperation. In 2009, an Action Plan on Climate Change in the Alps followed, including specific measures and best practice examples. Since 2011, taking action on climate change has also been one of the priorities set in the Multi-Annual Work Programme of the Alpine Conference. Since 2016, climate-related works of the Alpine Convention are bundled under the roof of the Alpine Climate Board.

“We, the Alpine Climate Board, work towards climate-neutral and climate-resilient Alps. The adoption of the Alpine Climate Target System 2050 during the Alpine Conference in April 2019 was step 1, the development of implementation pathways is step 2 and the implementation is step 3. With this website, we aim at creating a great community of implementers, we want you to make use of the big knowledge that we collected in participative processes and we want to join forces – because it is not us alone, who seek for this transformation process.”

“Building strong and effective partnerships will be key to ambitious climate action, especially in the Alps with its specific challenges and characteristics. This interactive website offers a great tool for bringing together existing initiatives and for gaining additional support – we are happy to pick-up promising approaches during the upcoming Swiss Presidency of the Alpine Convention.”

“Climate change requires immediate action in near to all sectors of activity. Thanks to the work of the Alpine Climate Board and this platform, people and organisations all over the Alps can focus on the same goals, join forces and make progress together.”